Thursday, February 27, 2014


According to GoF’s definition, facade pattern is :
Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Façade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.
real world example :
In this example we need to start computer. Computer class acts as facade which encapsulates other complex classes represented by: HardDrive class, Memory class and CPU class. Each of this classes has operations which must be performed when Start() method of Computer class is called.
public class Computer
private readonly CPU _cpu;
private readonly HardDrive _hardDrive;
private readonly Memory _memory;

private const long BootAddress = 1;
private const long BootSector = 1;
private const int SectorSize = 10;

public Computer()
_cpu = new CPU();
_hardDrive = new HardDrive();
_memory = new Memory();

public void Start()
_memory.Load(BootAddress, _hardDrive.Read(BootSector, SectorSize));

public class CPU
public void Freeze()
Console.WriteLine("CPU is frozen");

public void Jump(long position)
Console.WriteLine("Jumping to position: {0}", position);

public void Execute()

public class HardDrive

public byte[] Read(long lba, int size)
var bytes = new byte[size];
var random = new Random();
return bytes;

public class Memory
public void Load(long position, byte[] data)
Console.WriteLine("Loading data: ");
foreach (var b in data)
Console.Write(b+ " ");

Console.WriteLine("\nLoading compleded");

class Program
static void Main()
var computer = new Computer();
Real Example Using Car  -

class CarModel
public void SetModel()
Console.WriteLine(" CarModel - SetModel");
class CarEngine
public void SetEngine()
Console.WriteLine(" CarEngine - SetEngine");
class CarBody
public void SetBody()
Console.WriteLine(" CarBody - SetBody");
class CarAccessories
public void SetAccessories()
Console.WriteLine(" CarAccessories - SetAccessories");
public class CarFacade
CarModel model;
CarEngine engine;
CarBody body;
CarAccessories accessories;

public CarFacade()
model = new CarModel();
engine = new CarEngine();
body = new CarBody();
accessories = new CarAccessories();

public void CreateCompleteCar()
Console.WriteLine("******** Creating a Car **********\n");

Console.WriteLine("\n******** Car creation complete **********");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
CarFacade facade = new CarFacade();

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